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Horse suffering from equine anhidrosis.

Equine Anhidrosis and the Role of Acupuncture in Treatment

Equine anhidrosis, also known as non-sweating disease, is a severe condition in horses where the sweat glands do not function properly, leading to an inability to sweat. Sweating is vital in helping horses regulate their body temperature, especially in hot and humid climates. When horses cannot sweat, they lose a crucial mechanism for cooling down, resulting in overheating and a range of related health issues. These issues may include reduced performance, heat stroke, and, in severe cases, it can even lead to death. Horse owners and caregivers need to be aware of the signs of anhidrosis and take preventive measures to help horses manage their body temperature effectively. We provide equine anhidrosis treatment with both traditional and holistic methods.

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Farrier performing corrective shoeing.

Keep Your Horse Moving Their Best with Corrective Shoeing

Corrective shoeing has become a blanket term to refer to many different aspects of shoeing. These practices can address a wide range of issues adversely affecting the gait, stride, and overall movement of a horse. High Caliber Performance Veterinary Sports Medicine is proud to offer radiographs and a chance to work with your farrier for the best approach to your horse’s shoeing needs.

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Mesotherapy at High Caliber Performance.

The Benefits of Mesotherapy for Horses

We are deeply committed to providing exceptional care for your equine athletes at High Caliber Performance. We are excited to offer mesotherapy, an innovative treatment that has demonstrated significant benefits in managing pain and enhancing horse performance. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of mesotherapy for horses, including how it works, its potential benefits, and why it could be a valuable treatment option for your equine companions.

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Equine vaccinations.

Spring Vaccinations for Horses

Spring has arrived and horse owners in Texas are preparing for springtime activities with their equine companions. Amidst riding trails, competing in shows, or just enjoying time with your horse, it is essential to remember vaccinations. Just as spring brings renewal and growth, it is the perfect time to protect your horses against preventable diseases. In this blog, we will explore which spring vaccinations your horses require and why they must be administered during this season. 

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Horses grazing on spring grass.

Protecting Your Horse from Founder on Spring Grass

Spring is a beautiful season with fresh blooms and green pastures. However, spring pastures can be a dangerous time for horses. With the arrival of lush green grass in springtime comes the risk of founder, a progressive form of laminitis. Protecting your horse from founder is crucial to avoid further health complications.

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Horse outside in the winter.

Keeping Your Horse Hydrated

We understand that horses can face challenges with drinking enough water daily as our season warms from spring into summer. Knowing how to tell if your horse is dehydrated year-round is a core part of equine care, especially during extreme temperature changes. The temperature can rise or drop as weather systems push in. These dramatic changes also commonly follow barometric changes in the weather.  

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Equine dental exam in progress.

The Importance of Annual Equine Dental Exams

If you are a conscientious horse owner, you likely make an effort to provide the best possible care for your equine friend. You ensure your horse receives proper nutrition, regular exercise, is groomed frequently, and receives proper veterinary care. However, one crucial aspect of health that is commonly overlooked but essential for your horse’s well-being is dental care. Annual equine dental exams help keep a healthy mouth for your horse.

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The Cooling Power of Equine Acupuncture in Extreme Heat

As summer’s scorching temperatures sweep across the nation, horse owners face the challenge of maintaining their equine companion’s wellness and performance during periods of extreme heat. Horses, like humans, are susceptible to the dangers of overheating. However, what sets horses apart is their limited ability to sweat, a vital cooling mechanism. Enter equine acupuncture, an ancient practice that has gained modern recognition for its remarkable ability to help horses sweat efficiently even in the most sweltering conditions. 

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How to Protect Your Horse from Strangles

Horses frequently travel for different purposes, such as competitions, which can increase their chances of getting equine diseases like Strangles. Strangles is a severe illness for horses, with reported cases in the United States every year. Luckily, there have been no cases in Texas yet. Strangles is a highly contagious illness that once the disease is present it can live in the ground for years.  

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